Operation Slipknot phone owners

The following is a partial list of individuals who received cell phones from Operation Slipknot. These phones were part of intercepted packages that were originally intended for a corrupt GPD officer fleeing the country. Each officer is listed below along with the interceptor.

Name of officer Name of owner Originating forum
Ernest Ahmad adhokk7 SHH
Thomas Bonnett Phil SHH
Wayne Breton Tannim SHH
Brian Chaplin gobrutus SHH
Roy Claussen Verdammt/Nirvana SHH
Mary Ellen DeVillino Andrizzle SHH
Larry Kennon zooguy65 SHH
Ronald Ladd AzBat SHH
Timothy Messick Smegabyte SHH
Dale Normand Batfan SHH
Ralph Pittman akamayday SHH
Thomas Ramon zbhbatman SHH
Jon Rosenthal RawWulf SHH
Nathan Scharf upsincefour SHH
Jason Tabagiani Bat_Fan101 SHH
Keith Walters CodyMM SHH
Eugene Winchell KSig235 SHH
Aaron Zeller Terry SHH
Billy Dambrosio Ragdoll0138 SHH
Note: Verified package was received, but unable to submit information to the website.
Jimmy Nickerson HernandoR SHH
Note: Package delivered but not recovered in time to apprehend.